Sunday, August 2, 2009

Blip.TV - Web Hosting

YouTube is not the only web host or online video distribution site. There are reasons you want to investigate what the other kids on the block have to offer. One of those web hosts is

I am not knocking YouTube, I'm just saying in the spirit of free enterprise you owe it to yourself to take a look at the other contenders.

Blip.TV is a web host. As with many web hosting sites, the first step is to become a member. You can have a free membership or if you need more features you can purchase a Pro Account.

You can upload your videos to and then obtain the embed code you need to have videos appear on your web site. The embed code will be in the Flash video format but there are other options if you need them.

This is similar to what YouTube or almost any web hosting site.

What I like about is that there is not freaking logo in the lower right corner. I really like the Terms of Service where they do not try to take or claim any ownership of my video.

Should you choose to want to have advertising on related advertising content on your video that is cool with them, you share in that revenue.

They have just expanded their distribution network with, Vimeo and YouTube. What does that mean? Well, you post your video on They will share it with other video distribution services. They already have in the network iTunes, Yahoo Video and others.

So, instead of running around having multiple accounts you can have just one. Want to check your statistics. You can view statistics from the dashboard.

Yes, I'm a girl. Guess I should have fessed that up front. What can I say, I like the service.

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