Sunday, October 11, 2009

Wendy Tremayne - Holy Scrap Hot Spings

How many of us walk our talk? I try to. I don't always succeed. That is ok because when that happens the smart thing to do is look for others that are making an effort to contribute and educating along the way.

Here is the question; What if you start where you are with what you have? Is that enough? The answer is yes.

Wendy Tremayne and her partner Mikey Sklar are building a sustainable home and Bread and Breakfast hotel in New Mexico.

The blog Holy Scrap Hot Springs is a work in progress on the construction of the site. There is a YouTube channel that contains videos about the project. This is a video that explains what they are doing in New Mexico.

Just as we put ink to paper to transmit ideas and concepts we can do the same thing with video. I'm not sure if I am ready for a hand cranked digital camcorder just yet but technologically it should be possible.

I know there are changes coming. Most of us are not prepared. I think we could all be spending more time paying attention to those that have functional solutions than paying attention to those that profit on spinning fear and disrespect.

That is what videoblogging can help to do.

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