Saturday, February 6, 2010

A Single Promotion Video - A Little Goes A Long Way

You don't have to create a web series to promote your business, activities or as a daily post. Maybe you just need just one a short video on your web site that who you are and what you can do for potential customers or visitors.

This concept isn't anything new but sometimes it is overlooked when folks are talking about the latest whiz bang that comes along to distract. This is just an example of what you could do with one video.

Example of The video gives visitors to Kate's site a chance to meet her and understand the concepts of her business. Short, simple and to the point. It is an introduction to her business and what she has to offer.

Kate just happens to be married to a videographer/videoblogger named Rupert Howe who has a new venture called The company creates business and corporate video profiles in the UK.

So, in almost all things keep it simple sweetheart.

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