Friday, April 2, 2010

Idea No. 7 Explain A Local or Historical Public Structure

There are public structures that have a history or a story. They could be famous or infamous. It could be a building or a patch of land that hundreds of people cross a day and not know the importance of the site. Which leads to another idea for Videoblogging Week 2010.

This video is from WNYC'S Cityscapes where Liz Diller takes you on a quick tour of the High Line:

And this is a video explaining how the Highline was transformed from a rail line to a public park.

Idea No. 7 is to record and explain a local historical public structure. It could be your favorite train station or an architectural wonder that is just waiting to be discovered.

You could work it the other way as well such as the number of abandoned buildings and warehouses as a reflection of the transferal of employment to other places.

It does not have to be fancy. Point, aim and record or look up historical photos of your landmark. Works either way.

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