Thursday, May 13, 2010

Project 1 - Cuts and Splits

This is a demonstration of how to do a cut, which is to remove a segment of a video and and a split which is to separate a video into two sections. I'm saying this upfront because I didn't make it as clear as I should have in the video.

For real, it is a learning process on how to give instructions and demonstrations. I'm am going to finish this come hell or seismic disturbance. I belong to an on-line group about screencasting.

I've learned that you have to put it out there at some point. This is my point in time. You have to make the first video. And the second and more videos after that. You have to move past the inner critic and just do it.

Yes, there are junior high school students making better tutorial videos on YouTube than I am. But I'm gaining on them bit by bit.

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