Sunday, July 4, 2010

Dave Dugdale and Learning DSLR Video

Years ago my choices were using a still rangefinder or single lens reflex cameras. There was no functional consumer video camcorders until the mid-1980s.

It took another 20 years for affordable camcorders to become accessible to the general public and another 5 to 7 years for digital video to kick in to place. There are a few of us that have wanted both still and video functions in one device.

Digital SLR or DSLR are now moving down in price to the consumer level. DSLR Video cameras make it possible to have stunning photos and video capture from one device. Along with innovation comes questions. What skills do you keep and which no longer serve your needs?

I was checking out the action at Darren Rowes Digital Photography School when he had a video posted from Dave Dugdale at Learning DSLR Video.

This is another video from Dave's site where his is testing the ISO level (old school term ASA) on his Canon T2i to find out the grain levels.

Testing Different ISO on the T2i To See Where It Gets Noisy from Dave Dugdale on Vimeo.

For all of us - from amateur, hobbyist, semi-pro or master craft-person there is a never ending learning curve. Yes, you take the time to set up a block of skills and knowledge. I don't much care how a person does that whether in school, self-taught or combination learning.

My point is that a foundation of skills and understanding helps you to adapt to changes in technology, products and distribution of your creative work. It has been true that your take the best of the past and, if possible, incorporate it into the new. Well, it should be true, maybe we need to start an intellectual recycling movement or something.

What I like about Dave's site is that he is conducting an open evaluation where we can observe the process. It will be a while before I can afford or justify purchasing a DSLR Video camera.

Well, no I could justify it right now but I can't afford it just yet. In the meantime, I can learn as I go with folks like Darren and Dave. I love finding good resources and instructional help.

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