Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Gail Mooney Video Documentary Trailer - Open Our Eyes

Gail Mooney is a still photographer who is actively learning how to using and incorporate working with d-SLR video. Ms. Mooney has extensive photojournalist experience and she has worked with traditional video before switching to video on digital Single Lens Reflex (dSLR) cameras.

Opening Our Eyes Trailer

This is a trailer for a documentary film she and her daughter are working on. It was recorded on a Canon 5D Mark II and Gail will edit in Final Cut Pro.

For more information about Gail Mooney you can visit the blog, Journeys of a Hybrid. Make sure you spend time to check out the categories sidebar, in the video topics she does share her successes and failures about recording videos with a d-SLR, work flow issues and project management.

Excellent resource for real non-B/S information about the reality of hybrid recording situations.

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