Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Posterous - The Easy Way to Blog and Vlog

For Smartphone, iPhone/iPad or desk jockey time challenged people Posterous is a free blogging service that makes it super easy to upload text, photos and video via e-mail.

Posterouos for Vlogs
You basically compose an e-mail with the subject being the title of post, type your text and then attach your video. You then just Send button and Posterous will set up your post and transcode, upload and present your video.

So What Is the Catch?

Well, currently there is a 1GB limit on personal accounts. For text only that is plenty. For text and photos it is fine if you monitor the file size of the photos.

Upload a lot of videos to Posterous however and you might hit the 1GB limit sooner than expected. At some point the site will add fees for premium services like additional storage space.

If you are a Blip.tv, Vimeo or YouTube user you can manage the upload limit by placing the video embed code in the body of the e-mail. That should be enough to help you manage the 1GB upload limit.

For more information check out the Posterous FAQ but I have to say this is a bone simple way to post content.

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