Thursday, September 23, 2010

TED Chris Anderson on How Web Video Powers Global Innovation

Sometimes I want to throw in the towel because there are other skilled, educated people who write about web video or who have the technical skills that blow me out of the water. And then I watch a TED video. And I get clear again about going beyond what I know.

I love TED videos. Some people jones on Reality TV, this is my addition. In one video Chris Anderson has described himself as the "Chief Custodian" of TED.

Currently know as the Curator of TED, Anderson and the TED team have expanded the reach of the conference into a world wide communication network of people who want to know, grown and develop as full participating citizens of the world.

Really if you have time just watch the video. It is well worth 18:53 of you time. I know that this is just the beginning of what can be done with web video. It does not have to be just commercial television repackaged for the Internet. It doesn't have to dumb down lowest of the low hanging fruit kind of mess that is being perpetrated for profit.

Ok, I do have opinions about certain aspects of commercial broadcast content. It sucks. And not in a good way.

Like I said, sometimes I do want to throw in the towel. Usually after hearing what passes for news and entertainment these days. I have to remember that is only a portion of what web video is about. What I can and others are doing is pointing the way to some possibilities that connect us as people.

I can help folks not waste to money on crappy camcorder and software products because I am a nerd with geek tendencies. I come from a long line of frugal African-American women. I can also continue to find pathfinders who step a little to the left or the right and show a new view of what they see that I cannot.

For a time I can step up and be a cheerleader for women and men who, for whatever reason, need to use video to tell they story. This might require the brick by brick approach or toss in the kitchen sink. Learning as I go but there is much to do.

I'm open to the possible.


  1. I sure hope you don't give up!! I *do* know that feeling though :)

    I am a TED junkie, and I cut the chord on the TV about 20 years ago - and there are LOTS more like you and I.

    I loved Chris's TED talk - and I look forward to seeing more from you - written, audio and video ;)


  2. Thanks. I'm trying to go the distance. Recordings like this helps me re-focus. I truly appreciate that there is a visible person with real world experience saying that there is a more expansive use of web video.

    I gotta say it is tough living in a time of change but it is a thrill none the less.


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