Monday, October 4, 2010

Reuse and Re-Mix with Rob Parrish

I first got hooked on Rob Parrish's work when he was remixing old commercials with new voice overs for his Next to Heaven series. This is Number #6.

Rob would dive into the Internet Archives and find that special iconic commercial or government film that needed a re-do. It was transformed into a new work.

Rob is still working the remix vibe. His current blog is Hopper Video and this time he is mixing the new with the something else.

This is Happy Song:

Sometimes our trash can be reused for a higher purpose. And that is a good thing.

1 comment:

  1. What a nice surprise to be mentioned on your blog! A new season of Next To Heaven will launch in January!!

    I'm adding your blog to my google reader. Looking forward to enjoying your blog.



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