Tuesday, December 28, 2010

How To Videoblog Advice From Zennie Abraham

This is a video from Zennie Abraham. He has definite thoughts about what is videoblogging. Now gather five people in a room and you will have a vigorous discussion of what is, isn't and can be considered videoblogging.

I don't agree 100%, more like 67.38%. He has is a valid point of view but it leaves out the activists, the resource vloggers and folks that use video to support their creativity and passions that do not call themselves videobloggers.

For more info on Zennie you can visit his YouTube channel or his blog at http://zennie2005.blogspot.com/


  1. I just saw this, but your blog post implies that I was saying something to discourage certain types of videoblogs. That's not the case at all in the video, and I don't know why you did that. Again, I'm trying to encourage people to just vlog, regardless of what they vlog about. In fact, I'll make a vlog to say that.

    1. Zennie I did agree with most of what you said in the video - you were prescriptive in what you thought the process is and how you create your videos. I was pointing out to my readers that there are other options and paths. I'd be happy to post your response video.


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