Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Stuart Ashen - A Man and His Couch Tech Reviews

I'm spending time trying to improve my skills on how to explain things. There are the instructional design blogs, screencasters and tech writers. My head hurts. There is tremendous information but it can be, well, a bit dull; which is counter to the reason I'm visiting the sites in the first place.

When I need a reminder that there is no one way to present information I spend some time with Stuart Ashen.

Stuart tends to review low price products, tech clones and every once in a while a decent product. He does this on his dad's couch and a with lot of dry British humor. Those of use with a love and appreciation of the 99 Cent Only stores or 99 Pence in the UK will truly get the humor in some of his videos.

Ashen has on and off gigs at the BBC but this was his starting point. He still has his site and producers videos that are funny or scathing depending on his mood.

Don't let the ratty couch fool you. Stuart has an international following and he ain't doing too badly.

Man + couch + camcorder. It works.

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