Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Changes At Blip.TV - The Focus Is On the Show

There are different types of video web hosts. Vimeo is a place for the creative community to share work and experiences. YouTube started out with user generated videos and is now expanding into original content, subscription and rental movies. is a place for those web producers who have a regularly scheduled series. This can mean an entertainment production, how-to or an on-going series. Blip distributes programing to other services so this re-vamping of services is consistent with that focus.

This video explains what Blippers have to do to position their videos to gain attention and to have a polished presentation that invites folks to make that click.

There are questions to consider and it will be time to make friends with either your inner graphic designer or take a friend to lunch that can help you out. You'll need a poster for your show, banners and decisions about how your show will look.

You'll also need to come up with a brief description of your show. That one is gonna be a killer for me. I'm kinda eclectic. Anyway, check out the video. Even if you are not a person the questions and concepts are relevant to anyone that uploads video on a regular basis.

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