Sunday, October 23, 2011

The End of Personal Accounts on Viddler

I haven't thought of Viddler for a long time. I made other choices for my video web hosting activities but how can forget a name like Viddler?. On October 18, 2011 removed the option for free personal account.

If you have an existing personal Viddler account you will still have access to your data. No malice involved. It is just that on-going battle with spam videos and business moochers gets tiresome after a while.

The company is moving toward fee based/business web hosting.  Here is their video on what the Viddler service can do for you.

New users will have a 14 day free trial and then have to make a decision about which type of plan to use.

No lie, even on the basic Pro level $50 a month is a chunk of change. Then again, you do get to customize to your hearts content.

It is all about the options.

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