Saturday, October 20, 2012

A Look At Blogging Calendars or Planners

I have finally come around to the need of a blogging calender. I'm not a planner but I need time and in order to get it I have to plan for it. It is kinda like doing the laundry.

You have to commit. You just can't think those clothes clean.  Nor can a video edit itself. You need time and most of us are tapped out at the time bank.

Anyway, I was looking around as usual and Beckie at Infarrantly Creative has put one together that meets the needs of blogging folks. You should go to Beckie's blog and pick up a page or two.

For those of us of the left handed persuasion this is a score.  No pesky spine to interfere with our ink flow. Other folks are crafting their own calendars and planners as well, each has advantages.

There is a page at on Editorial Calendars that gives the reasons and advantages of using a blogging calendar.

Productivity Flourishing has a post about The Blog Post Calendar and Planner. There is solid information here. There will be links to download a blog specific calendar or planning page.

Now is there a planner for videoblogging or those of us doing web video? Well, it seems not in the sense of the above planners and calendars.

I haven't found any yet.

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