Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Changes and Progress and Oh My

I started this blog in 2009 because a woman was murdered for creating videos. A man became obsessed with the woman and eventually stalked and killed her. Women who text blogged were (and are) being attacked for speaking their voices. A voice lost needs to be replaced by a hundred fold of good people.

I never intended this blog to be a women specific video tutorial kind of place but I want women to know that they were welcomed. Men folk are welcomed too. There are billions of stories on the planet and we need shepards to bring them to the viewing place.

I started this blog because there were women who believed that they couldn't and didn't have a place in web video. It was too hard or too technical. I didn't believe that; there are parts that are challenging but not impossible to surmount.

Time marched on. From analog camcorders to Flip Cams.  Flip Cams to Smartphone/Mobile Devices. Web Apps. Mobile Apps. New players and old tech changing into new.

And the voices:

Young women, older women, geeks, techies, knitters, foodies, fans of vaudeville, Whovians and so many more ideas, concepts and voices.

There is room for one more. There is always room for one more.

I've had technology change on my twice as I struggle to find ways of sharing not only the technological changes but the social and creative changes as well. It was never just one thing with me.

So what now?

Well, that is a good question. I have a few more months of school left. The day job is just as demanding as ever. I need to time plan posts and that isn't my favorite way of writing anything.

And I spent cash money for a screencasting workshop. I need to get busy on that return on investment. I have no plans to buy Google Glass anytime soon. But you never know.

We can't stay in silos any more. We can't pretend that other people don't exist. So I think I'd like to create posts that bust out of the silo. More how-tos but in relationship to a purpose.

Is there new software or applications that can make that easy? Yes. It there existing or old software that can be recycled for new purposes. Yes.

That might happen once a week. Or when I find the time. We'll see.

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