Friday, January 3, 2014

HitRecord New Show on Pivot TV

I don't have cable and I see no reason to rush out and get it just yet. But if I did want to hook up with cable television I'd make sure that I could get Pivot TV to check out HitRecord on TV.

Looking at the long view, you have an actor/producer Joseph Gordon-Levitt from traditional television leading a cooperative community of creators who have been creating content for a long while.

Some of that content is migrating to Pivot TV in a half hour program. This is very cool. I think it will be cool. Wait, sharp dressed man in suit? Yes, cool and very much appreciated.

Traditional broadcast television is made up of structured production process. It is planned by necessity to get a product out the door at a scheduled place and time. You have to have it ready and it should be fantastic, non-threatening and advertiser friendly.

But this in a sense is an Internet creativity culture that takes the time to make it right. It can works on projects. Who can help? Do you paint? Tell me more about the idea?

So the question becomes can that process be used to produce a weekly series? I think the answer is going to be hybrid approach.

Some traditional television elements; content from the HitRecord community and hopefully a touch of serendipity.

And the network suits/bean counters on permanent lock down.

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