Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Progress Report on My Video Project

Things really are working according to plan; on account I actually have one. This is what I've accomplished so far:

Created a Project Resource Binder - My binder is an actual physical binder that contains information about resources that I used. For instance I found a great source for public domain music. I have printed out the page that contains the rights usage and the clear permission of the author to use the music in any way I desire. If I get hit with a DCMA notice I can quickly make a PDF copy and end the discussion quickly.

Made a Project Folder - I've written about this before but it is basically creating folders on your computer that will store your video, audio and photo files for your project. It make finding things easier for you and for the software you use to edit and upload your video.

The script is completed and settled on a style format for the video. It will help me to not get side tracked on re-inventing the wheel.

Anything else; yes... I'm going through my prior unused recordings to see if there is anything videos I can re-purpose or use in an different way.

I'm late, gotta go.

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