Saturday, September 5, 2009

Folkstreams - Documentaries on American Cultures

I have a thing for the Oxford American Magazine. It is published four times a year. The writing is excellent and on occassion they have a DVD or music CD collection of music that represents the Southeastern portion of the United States.

I was lucky enough to purchase the 2007 Southern DVD issue and watched a video clip about Peg Leg Sam Jackson. This lead me to Folkstreams. Folkstreams is a collection of documentaries about American culture.

Mr. Jackson worked the medicine man circuit and was a street performer. He was something to behold. The film was created by Tom Davenport. On the website there is a transcript available because Mr. Jackson was indeed a son of the South.

Folkstreams is a wonderful place to learn about the variety of American culture, meet folks that don't fit anybody's mold and as a way of being inspired to what you can do with a camera, a subject and a story.

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