Monday, September 21, 2009

MediaCollege - Web Video Resources

The "each one, teach one" express moves forward. I could list a hundred web video resources and each one would be different depending on the background of the creator, the target audience and the depth of content.

For today I'd like to to suggest MediaCollege.

Free video resources at MediaCollege
Much of the content is focused on professional video production. There there are sections of the website that apply to all types of video creation.

Some of the pages that apply to all web video folks:
I particularly liked the 3-Part Video-Making Process chart. It really gets to the heart of the process and the things you can think about if you are interested in doing this on a regular basis.

The creators of the site are the folks at Waveform Media; it is a multimedia company in New Zealand. That is how the make their money. There are Google ads on the sight but they do not overwhelm your senses.

I think this is a good place for those people that are looking for plain English explanations of video related concepts.

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