Tuesday, September 29, 2009

ScreenToaster - Onlne Screencasting Software

Screencasting is a way to demonstrate a skill, a computer concept or teach a lesson. There are many screencasting products available for a variety of skills levels and needs.

ScreenToaster is a free web based screen recorder for those of you that want to quickly create a screencast and have the ability to place it on your blog.

You basically visit the website, log in and at that point you can use the ScreenToaster recorder to make a video of what is on your computer screen. I went looking for a short example video.

This is a very quick 54 second silent tutorial about the Blur feature in the free open source program known as GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Program). This will give you an idea of the video size and quality as posted on ScreenToaster.com


For a free screencasting program they do offer a lot of neat things. For example, you can add a webcam video to the record for a picture in picture effect.

You have the ability to add subtitles/captions - very handy if you don't have a mike or don't like the sound of your voice. You also can save a copy to your computer to edit and refine your production.

When you are finished recording you have options such as:
  • Save the recording as an video file, which you can place in a video editing program. I'd recommend this option. You always want a copy of your video.
  • Upload the video to a web host like Blip.tv, Vimeo or YouTube, and then get the embed code needed to post the video on your website or blog.
  • Save the recording as a Flash video file.
  • Post the video on the ScreenToaster website
If you are looking to test the waters of screencasting or need to show someone how to perform a computer task then ScreenToaster might do the job.

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