Sunday, November 1, 2009

NaVloPoMo November 2009 is Videoblogging Month

Like our cousins at National Novel Writing Month videobloggers attempt to scale the mountain and produce 30 videos in 30 days. You can see a collection of some of the 2008 participants at Mefeedia channel for VlogMe08.

There are going to be vloggers that are taking up the 30 day challenge. When I find them I'll certainly post or provide a link. This is the first one out of the gate, Danlight from the UK with Are We Nearly There Yet?

Are We Nearly There Yet? from danlight on Vimeo.

This year the Yahoo Videoblogging group, in recognition that burnout is not pretty on an international scale, have decided to attempt something different.

30 people will produce a video, one each day and the next person is to pick up a theme or element of the prior day and create a video. Or not. The video should be 90 seconds or less. Or not. The Videoblogging group is kinda fluid that way.

Michael Verdi has created a Miro page that will list the participants videos and links to the blogs/websites where they can be viewed.

Lemme see, anything else? Oh yeah, using Twitter you can track posts that may or many not lead to finding videos produced this month. Try #NaVloPoMo and see what goodies you find.

Update: I told you folks were fluid. You can use #vlomo09 as well.

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