Monday, April 26, 2010

Test Drive of Miro Video Converter Tutorial

The Miro Video Converter is the new kid on the block. It is very easy to use and a newbie can wrap her hands around how it works. It is a drag and drop video converter for smartphones, media devices and it could be use to convert videos for certain web hosting sites.

Miro Video Converter

Well there is forgetting, not remembering and flat out what is my name again? To make up for my non-productivity I have created a rough and ready test drive tutorial of the Miro Video Converter.

This thing has possibilities once you get orientated to how it works.

For those of you that are on work lock down and can't view the video here is the deal. You drag the video you want to convert into the box area on the application. Want more?

Here are the steps:
  1. Drag the video you want to convert into the conversion box
  2. Select the device that you want to convert to or use that particular format and then
  3. Click the convert button.
For most of us, this is win-win. Unless you have a Window Movie Video format aka .wmv this is not a complete win-win situation. You can convert the .wmv format into .mp4 but you can't flip it the other way around.

You can convert from common video formats either to .mp4 for Windows and Mac Users. You can convert to the Ogg Theora format if you are a Linux user or have a Linux compatible media device like a Netbook running Ubuntu.

What you see on the intro screen on the web site is what you get. It is a work in progress so I would expect new features and formats to come in time.

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