Monday, May 31, 2010

A Peek Over the Fence - OpenIndie

I like to wander around the joint. It is how I find out what other groups are doing and thinking. The independent filmmaking community is not having an easy time of it but some of them of the do it yourself persuasion are exploring ways to get their product to people like me who want to see a film.

A movie that makes me laugh, think or moves me to action beyond leaving the theater. This video is a call to action and a proposal to do something other than gripe.

OpenIndie is proposing that we as the audience can have a role in finding and presenting films of interest. We can host them in our homes or in community centers. Independent theaters that are not tied to chains can get in on the action too.

Bypass the studios and the distributors who block local and original filmmakers. You say you want better films? Then go over to OpenIndie or read up at the OpenIndie blog to check out the action. Contribute if you can. Be the change.

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