Friday, October 15, 2010

4 Resources to Help You Record Better Video

It can be a challenge to make video look good. I've got a bunch of reliable resources to help improve video recordings. These resources take the short and sweet approach to recording video.

CNet has an oldie but goodie list of 10 tips to beat bad home video. I know it is spot on because it repeats my on-going mantra of don't use digital zoom.

This was a gem of a fine. In two minutes Martin Kay explains key lighting and why it is important.

Swinging over to CNN's iReport Tool Kit page is their list of tips on how to record video. I definitely agree on bringing extra batteries.

And to wrap this up SportsShooter has tips for recording with DSLR cameras. I am not sure I'd want to tote the rig the guy in the photo is using but that is the nature of choice.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, ouch! I think I recognized myself in some of those "bad lighting" examples! What a tastefully done video - thanks for spotlighting it.


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