Sunday, January 13, 2013

Kevin Jones and Diving Into Social Media

I was on the Running Librarian blog when I saw this video from Kevin Jones. I don't know who Kevin Jones is because for all of his talk in this video on social networking there is no current at this time information about him on his web site.

There are a heck of a lot of Kevin Jones out in the world so I haven't found this one as yet. Interesting.

Anyway, the reason I'm sharing the video is that it is well done. It is not just a talking head but it has humor, small videos on the side to give a bit of distraction and a charming ending.

Like I said, I don't know this guy. He only had a limited time to make his case. Kevin got me from the start of the video to the end. It was a good presentation that worked on video.

The other thing I want to point out is that you never know how people will find your videos. Many folks just stumble into them because of other interests and connections.

How did I find Kevin? I subscribe to an international librarian/information technology newsletter called Free Pint. They have a section of the newsletter called Tipples. James Mullen was giving his favorites information web sites and I went to check his blog out.

That is where I viewed Kevin's video.

Yes, there maybe something to this social media/networking thing.

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