Sunday, January 23, 2011

Truly A Belly Dancing Camcorder Shakout

Belly dancing and testing camcorders? Why not? I love and support innovation in all forms. This is a test of two point and share camcorders; The Flip and the Q3HD.

What is kicky about it is that a Canon 7D dSLR is being used as the baseline quality control point.

Check it out:

For more information about the belly dancing company visit

I'm shamed to say I couldn't take my eyes off the Canon 7D video. Freaking beautiful color. I'm getting misty eyed looking at the quality of skin tones, the gold brocade in the jacket and richness of the reds in the curtains.

Sigh, the Canon 7D at $1,699 before taxes is not in my budget. And that is just for the body of the camera. You still gotta buy the lens. I can dream about it.

Ok, I'll be fine in a minute. I can do this.

Sensors. I keep talking about the importance of understanding the sensors in relation to the kind of quality you can expect with certain devices.

The sensors in point and share camcorders are very small. These camcorders are designed to be used outdoors in average and bright light. The have a larger lens opening, the aperture is generally around f2.4 to about f2.8 to allow as much light as possible to hit the teeny-tiny sensor.

This is one of the rare situations where the point and share camcorders are getting too much light. Both devices are blowing out the colors and the skin tones.

The Flip is doing a slightly better job about picking up the flower in her hair. The skirt is a rich red but both camcorders render it as shades of pink.

The devices are having a heck of a time properly rendering the gold in the jacket; it has been shifted it to a yellow/green representation.

What Does This All Mean?

Now despite the woofing going on in the YouTube comments you gotta understand the intent isn't to bash the camcorders. It isn't a scientific test but a visual objective one by one person.

Because of the baseline camera that was used the lighting had to be configured to the abilities of the Canon 7D which has a much larger sensor than the two camcorder put together.

Even if they had made the decision to record in standard room lighting the Canon 7D would still put out a spectacular video. It is not a point and share camcorder but a upper level professional photographer camera with the ability to compensate for over exposures.

Here is the thing, if you understand the limitations of your equipment and can work within those limitations you will be fine.

On the other hand, you don't expect a point and share camcorder to render high quality color representation. It can't. It wasn't designed for that purpose.

The Q3HD is primarily used by musicians, vloggers, podcasters, and people who need great audio and a video reference or demo.

The Flip is more of an outdoor, on the go, impulse video that can be uploaded to the Internet fairly quickly. It can do indoors provided you have enough light.

The Canon 7D is for people who have a professional need for the camera or an affectionate Sugar Daddy looking for a good woman to bestow gifts upon without any expectation of compensation or favors.

Yeah, I know. It would be like waiting for The Great Pumpkin, right?

Hmm. I'll start counting my pennies.

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