Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Video WTF - Moderated Video Help and Assistance

I do snoop around checking out the resources that folks can use to get useful information about video and video best practices. There is a lot of crappy info being pumped out by the uninformed and the flim flam community.

No one know everything but if you have a question about how to do a task or you are having a problem you can turn to VideoWTF to get an answer.

It is a rocky road to video production on the consumer level. Yes, the camcorders are easy to use but there are different video formats, finicky video editing programs, exporting to dozen of different devices. It is getting better but it never hurts to gather your resources and this is one of them.

One of the advantages is that it is moderated so that does help reduce the spam level quite a bit. Other reasons to check it out is that it is a respectful place. The folks that respond really do want to help and that is not consistently true at other forums and answer web sites.

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