Thursday, April 14, 2011

Location Photography by NYIP's Chris Corradino - Resource Blogging

It isn't just individuals that have picked up on introducing clients to goods and services via a tutorial or resource video. The New York Institute of Photography's primary business is to acquire students who want to be professional photographers.

How will a student know it is a good fit? They might take a look at some of NYIP's interview and technique videos.

This video is by Chris Corradino on how to record a demonstration and getting what you need to tell a photojournalism story.

The demonstration video uses a combination of still photos, video, talking head and narration to show some of his techniques to capture a story. Towards the end of the video is his completed story.

The Takeaway:

It isn't the equipment, it is the person behind the equipment that knows what to do with it. It doesn't have to be complicated or expensive.

There is no one way to do a resource blog or video. In the next couple of posts I want to dive into how you or anyone can share what you know with other people.

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