Sunday, July 31, 2011

3 Not So Important Things About Making A Video

I have so many ideas and things to say that they are fighting for control of the keyboard. This produces mental grid lock. I now need to switch to the Annie Lamott Bird by Bird school of writing.

Number 1 - You Will Not Get Rich Making A Video

I feel the need to say it. You will not get rich making a video, writing a book, singing or anything else without curiosity, practice, skills, resources or the desire to at least give it a try.

Yes, there are people saying you can do rake up the bucks it if you do A, B and C . That is more about gaming the system of search engine optimization and making money for money's sake, not creating a quality video product.

I am not against making money. I am not against making money using video as a promotional tool for a business or service. I have no beef about that.

That can be done. Look at the cooking videos, how-to and other types of demonstration videos. That is my point. There is a body of knowledge that is being demonstrated using video. Or a story. Or entertainment. There is substance and the video is the carrier of that substance.

Not the fact that a video is being created to make money. Not the same thing. I am totally against people selling craptasitcal advice on telling folks erroneous information and being proud that they snagged another sucker.

Number Two - Fear of Starting

The biggest block will come from inside your head. You will need to chip away at that sucker to clear your path. Yes, depending on how you do this it can be a learning curve. Learning is a good thing, it helps to extend to your thinking abilities and your life.

Never stand in the way of developing your brain.

Number Three - I Don't Have Money for A Camcorder

No longer a viable excuse! If you have photos you can use a service like Animoto to make a video. Don't have photos? Then you can use services like XtraNormal and Go Animate. There are other ways to make a video without a camcorder so don't be so locked into what you can't do and start looking at what you can do.

You can do this. In the next few posts in support of the BlogHer11 Geek Bar I'll post resources that folks can use to help them get started.

Related Posts:

  1. Plug-A-Matic Buying A Family Camcorder
  2. Camcorder Guide - You Know You Don't Know Jack
  3. Camcorders for Hair and Make-up Tutorials

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