Monday, August 8, 2011

Know Where Your Stuff Is - Organize Your Workflow

It took far to long to get this concept into my head. You do have to organize your videos. It doesn't take a lot of time but it is necessary. I mentioned this at the BlogHer11 Geek Bar but I want to make sure everyone understands what I am talking about.

File Folder Workflow

Audio and Music Folder
I have non-commercial blogs. In the past I have used music that required me to cite the original source of the music via attribution or other conditions.

In addition I have used music in the public domain and music by authors that allowed for commercial use, again via attribution. In addition to my computer folder I have the print out from the web page so that I can show where I got the music from and the condition of use.

No Permission
These are for videos that I do not have permission from the participants to display. I record poets in the San Gabriel Valley. There are some poets that leave the room before I could ask permission or have told me after I recorded to not to upload the video. I separate these from the permitted videos into this folder. When in doubt, do not upload without permission.

Photos and Screenshots
I like to make sure that in addition to shooting video I have background or reference photos of the event. Some of the video web hosting services also require you to have a separate thumbnail of the video. That can be obtained from the source video using a function found in many video editing programs.

This is the final copy of the video that will be uploaded. It is a good idea to double check this copy for error or goofs before uploading.

This is my working copy of the video I want to edit. I try to make a copy to be placed on a DVD and then have a working copy or a transcoded copy of the video to work from. If something goes wrong I can pull the copy from the DVD.

Never goof up your one and only original copy of the video.

Other Posts of Interests

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