Monday, September 19, 2011

Bits and Pieces from Around the Block

There have been a lot of conferences this past week that I am finding out about after the fact. The good news about that is that I can track goodies via the Twitterstream.

Future Marketing conference #FutureM wrapped up a few days ago but the tweets keep a coming with great advice and tips and people to check out for more information.

The American Society of Newspaper Editor #ASNE is having a Leadership in Diversity shindig at the New York Times on September 19 and 20, 2011. Now I am not a journalist but roaming around the joint I did find a 50 page pdf guide on what newspapers think are the best practices for social media.

The Online News Association #ONA had a gathering this past weekend in Florida (I think) and there is going to be one in Boston on September 21, 2011.

The reason I peep into these kinds of things is that I often find people I've met or know and I get hipped to concepts, technologies or places I should be aware of or can pass down the line. I wouldn't want all that thinking and speechifying get bottled up into information silos.

Nope, have to spread it around so all can be informed and participate if they choose to do so.

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