Thursday, November 3, 2011

NaPodPoMo and Other News of the Day

Yes. The podcasters are having their version of posting for 30 days. It is National Podcasting Posting Month.

There is a subset of that group that are video podcasters. The site is on Ning and you have to register in order to see the doings. Glad to know creativity is busting out all over the joint.

I hope to meet a few this weekend.

In other news, the Vlomo2011 Gallery blog is going really well, lots of great videos from around the world. We got Austrialia, China, Canada and the UK is representing big time. The U.S. is coming along, we are a little scattered but it is growing, once I find out where they are posting.

YouTube is planning on creating original content; per a story on MediaBistro's Social Times blog. So will it split into two parts or does one, user generated content, eventually goes away?

I gotta go.

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