Monday, March 12, 2012

Firefox Flick Global Video Contest

The Firefox browser needs you or, more to the point, your video skills to help tell the story. The contest is now open for everybody on the globe who isn't on Internet lock down to make a video.

This is what I can scope out so far:
  • You will be creating a public service announcement aka a PSA. 
  • The video can be as short as you want but no longer than 120 second/2 minutes.
  • You can work on your own, with a team or if you can talk you teacher/professor into it as a class project.
There are four categories to choose from; best 30 second spot, best animation, best use of new technology or best public service announcement.

You got a shot at this, check out the competition. Really, you can do this.

Now you could do this out of the goodness of your heart but there are prizes, check out the Rules for more information.The contest ends at 11:59 p.m. Pacific time on May 1, 2012.

Go forth and make magic

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