Friday, April 27, 2012

Digital Storytelling Examples - Educate the Educators

You can't throw a stone without hitting a spot where the buzz word digital storytelling isn't being invoked. Individuals, advertisers and yes, even educators all have a stake in how the story moves and informs.

Educators have always used a form of storytelling. Some teachers might be a little slow trying out new forms but there are pathfinders who create safe places for them to learn basic skills.

This is a video created the for Stanford's Teacher Education Program conference in 2009 to help educators understand the fundamentals of using digital storytelling in education. It is also an homage to that wonderful educational series of videos by CommonCraft.

Another approach is to not only tell teach but make it entertaining. Sean Bulava is a professional storyteller, analog and digital. If there is one thing this guy knows how to do is how to engage the audience. 

This is Sean's video on Quick Learn Story Techniques. Be sure to take a look at the story tips in the description section of the video.

Digital storytelling should not be boring. It does not have to be yawn inducing, and as Sean demonstrates, humor and a bit or whimsy go a long way.

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