Friday, August 17, 2012

Mercalli Easy for Shaky Videos

I recently purchased an update to Corel VideoStudio Pro X5 Ultimate. I usually get the downloaded version but this time went for the packaged box. I wanted a paper manual and actual install discs. As is my habit,  I'm reading the back of the box and it mentions that I get proDaD Mercalli SE to perform video stabilization.

Lord knows I have got shaky video. I am most pleased with this option. Those of you that haven't purchased VideoStudio Pro X5 are not out of luck. There is a version of the software called Mercalli Easy.

If you record video via a smartphone, tablet or even a camcorder you might want to know about this software.

Jake Ludington has been involved with web video and videoblogging for a long time. I remember him from the Yahoo Videoblogging group. This is Jake's video demonstration of how the product works.

For those of you that can't see the above video it is very simple to use.

You add the video to the program, it does the analysis of the type of shake you have in your video and then corrects it. You can perform limited trimming of the video. Once the process is completed you can export the video out in a number of video formats.

After you export the video you can either upload it to your web host or bring it into your video editing program. I did locate a manual for it and it seems to export in WMV, MPEG, AVI and possibly MP4.

Those of you who are still on Windows XP are on lock out on this one. You need a computer running Vista or higher to use this software.

That is pretty much the whole deal and the price is very right at $15. If you need a more full featured version or you are a Mac user then you would want to check out the proDad Mercalli V2 stand alone version.

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  1. Maybe you can share where you located the manual...

    1. Indeed I can, I had to hunt for it because it is not front and center or even upper right hand corner. The link to the PDF is at the bottom of the page called Downloads.

      This is the shortcut to the PDF manual


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