Monday, January 13, 2014

Germination Steps

I've been in writer's block hell for a couple of weeks. It wasn't that I didn't have an idea but which idea and how to do it was a wall. One of the good things about creatives on the Internet is that many people that you respect also revel that they sometimes they get stuck. To me, it is painful, embarrassing but it you can make it to the other side it is a victory.

So I read. Rest. Cuss myself out a few dozen times. Look at work and creators that I respect. This is a book trailer from Austin K. Leon who you should totally check out for ideas and motivation.

I have purchased his prior book and was curious about the new work. What really got my attention was how he made this book trailer. video, Keynote presentation software and iMovie.

Dang. I have seen book trailers that don't look this good or covey the spirit of the book. And he did it with iMovie?

Yep. I gotta get moving.

So I have a very small project. It has to be small to fit into my available time. This is the first step, saying that I'm gonna do it.

By the end of the day I will have an brainstorm of the idea and a rough outline.

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