Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Lorraine Grula and

When I'm looking for business video or information product sites it becomes frustrating because the amount of flim-flam is staggering. I seem to keep saying that because it true.

It feels like walking in a bar on the rough side of town. So I entered cautiously thinking I wasn't gong to stay long at

I was wrong. Lorraine Grula has been working in videos as a producer of corporate videos, documentaries and commercials. She has the grunt work and professional level skills to get the job done.

On her site there is a huge amount of free content. I encourage folks to dive into the Archives. Visitors to are free to explore and check out her content. If they are interested they can sign up for her video production tutorials.

Lorraine Grula
They also have the option to check out and learn about her production service for those people that want to have video on their website but do not have the skills or the time to do so.

This could be a viable option and something to think about if you are not quite ready to take the leap but think video can help your business.

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