Saturday, December 5, 2009

New Media Literacy Ideas from Henry Jenkins

There are many reasons why I wanted to take on creating a web video notebook. The ways in which we interact with people are expanding. Community had meant the people and environment you physically find yourself. Now there are virtual, electronic and by self-affiliation communities.

With web video and other communication tools there is the opportunity to expand those connections. One of the places I visit is New Media Literacies.

Young people are engaged in non-physical communities. Computers, mobile phones and other private devices of acculturation.

What about those of us on the distant crack of sunset? It still matters. We need to communicate across generations. There are things we know that could help someone down the line. How do we share that? In the past it was books that could do that.

Will it be an video e-book of the future? I don't know. But I do know this is the time to lay the foundations.

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