Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Idea No. 5 Interview People That You Love

Yeah, I know I forgot about No. 4 but my brain is mush and is all all I can do to remember my name. Let me just add that other people who are sick really should stay home. I know they can't. They just should. Ok, back to the matter at hand. Idea No. 4 and No. 5 are kinda sorta related. Videoblogging Week is starting April 11th and I really would like to encourage more folks to jump in and take up the challenge.

Idea No. 4 is Interview a veteran and ask them what is important in life. Idea No. 5 is interview people that you love, don't tell them why just do it and then surprise them.

So for that you might need a wee bit of planning or idea generation. Here are a few resources to check out:

The American Historical Association has a list of various web based oral history projects.

Creative Narrations has a resource page to help you get started.

The Veterans History Project at the Library of Congress has a interview and tips page on how to do interviews.

BBC Inside Lives has viewer personal narratives. Good idea generator.

The Women In Military Service Oral History Project has written examples of women that served so that you can get an expectation of the kind of stories being told.

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