Friday, September 23, 2011

Video Blog Basics - What Is the Catch?

I'm checking out my Sparks on Google + and I find this mention about Video Blog Basics. Those that know me can see me sniffing in caution. I have nothing to loose but time so I click on over.

The brow is furrowing. When I clicked on the "Click Here" button it took me to a membership sign in page. Without a clue about what I was signing in for or about or what I could expect.

Hmm, yet there is no usual pitch to fork up $199.99. Perhaps I should view the video for clarity. I back out and watch the video. I'm not going to post it here. You can go to the site.

I'm good with the content. I agree. No hard sell or promises of reaching millions of dollars in a week and a half. That is a good sign.

But I'm not sure.

Here Are My Issues

I don't know Chris Garrett or Ben Eadie. All I have is that they are speaking at BlogWorld coming to Los Angeles in November and a couple of tweets from others saying to sign up.

All I can find out from the site is the video and the sign up page.

At this point I'll need to do research to find out who Chris Garret and Ben Eadie are and what is their focus on video blogging. Is it just the talking head version? Will they give examples of the diversity of using web video? Is is just about basic techniques and explainations?

Or is it leading folks down to the path to buy more tutorials, products and services?

I don't know. So, this being social media kind of world and all I'll go ask them questions.

I'll let you know.

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