Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Bernajean Porter and DigiTales

Digging through my bed/library pile I came across a digital storytelling resource that I have been meaning to check out. Bernajean Porter's DigiTales is a good resource on how you tell a story using video, audio, photos or other electronic media.


The web site does support her book, DigiTales, The Art of Telling Digital Stories.

The goal of the site is to help educators and students learn how to tell digital stories that can intern educate other people or even yourself. I watched some of the videos in the StoryKeepers' Gallery section. Some of those young folks will cause you to remember why education is important.

There are also digital storytelling resources for Macintosh and Windows Users and a resource page that has a lot of good content including a good example of the story making process, Seven Steps to A DigiTale.

So if you are an educator, teacher, home schooler or willing to look beyond your wall then this is a good place to visit.

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