Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Vidly Viewer Graph - Trends In Video Consumed

I was looking around and happen to see this infographic at Vidly. Vidly is a web host that allows you to customize how you want your audience to view the video. According to their FAQ, they can prepare your video into various formats for the thousands of devices romping around the planet.

This is an example of what people are using via mobile devices to view videos.
 Vid.ly Single universal url

I told you, really can't ignore the mobile video aspect. I am a little surprised that there is less viewing on an iPad but that might change with the next generation of iPads and that retinal display goodness.

Hmm. This might be an older graphic because I wonder if the Kindle Fire is accounted for in the Android numbers? Truly questioning those Blackberry numbers but they are a loyal bunch.

 Anyway the take away is to make sure you follow the upload specifications of your video web host. You video will look good across multiple devices. If you don't have the time or tech for that you might want to consider a service like Vid.ly.

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