Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Videobbloging 10 Years Later 5by5 Interview

It is the 10th anniversary of video on the Internet and the videoblogging group. The Yahoo Groups interface was clunky but a group of people from all over the world got together and figured out how to place video on the Internet.

And unlike what passes for social interactions these days we actually listened to each other, supported, disagreed with facts and met up at various functions. Not saying we were angels I felt it was a safe place. Many people did.

So no, you don't have to damn and cuss someone back to the 9 generation because you disagree with a statement. I digress. It is a peeve.

This is an interview by Jen Simmons with Jay Dedmon, Ryan Hodson and Micheal Verdi. If you are having trouble playing the audio or would like to read the transcript you can visit Jen's The Web Ahead page.

Now I don't want to be misunderstood. There was video on the Internet before the videoblogging group. But it wasn't remotely easy to do. We are talking postage stamp sized videos. I remember video from the hoochi-coochie sites and from tech sites like the original Code Monkey and Help.com

Back in the day, people were trying to transfer analog content from VHS and Hi-8 to the web. You needed a converter. Which there wasn't one on the consumer level until the 2000s. Sometimes that was done using software but it was still tricky.

A lot of things had to be figured out.

And just when that had been figured out came the digital camcorders and memory card storage appeared on the scene. Boom, change again. Then Smartphones recording video. Kaboom, disruptions again.

Now Google glass and the knockoffs.

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