Saturday, August 8, 2009

SciVee Tips for Making Videos

SciVee is trying to make transparent the concepts of Science and they want to reach everyone from elementary school to those in Ph.D land. One of the ways to do that is by video.

This is a 4:48 minute video of Co-founder Phil Bourne talking about SciVee, the mission and the contents of the site.

The concepts of making a basic WebCam or WebCamcorder video are kind of constant. The Make Video tips page gives you an idea of the tools you can use on SciVee or almost any other video distribution site.

Some of the Standard Tip on Making Video:

  • If a talking head video keep it under 10 minutes. (I disagree, say it in 3-5 if you can.)
  • Make sure the audio is good without any background noises such as computer fans, refrigerators or overhead planes.
  • You need light, lots and lots of light. If you are using a WebCam or WebCamcorder you need even more light than you think you do.
Other SciVee Video Resources:
As the tips on SciVee point out, you don't need to go upscale to make a web video. Master the basic skills and the rest will come later.

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