I understand conceptually why the For Dummies books are popular. I just really hate the name. And for the record, not all For Dummies books are all that easy to understand; it depends on the topic and the author.
Anyway, to the matter at hand. I'm looking at the content on the website that support various For Dummies publications.
There is a Digital Video Book For Dummies that was published in 2006. The core facts are the same but the technology has moved on quite a bit. Memory card camcorders were in their infancy, Firewire connections vs. USB 2.0, how to connect an analog camcorder and computer technology? Well, let's not even go there.
You can visit the page that has .pdfs of the table of contents and read an excerpt. I'm not making a judgment about the book. It might be the only resource you see in a brick and mortar bookstore. Just keep in mind that with any technology book there is a built in obsolescence factor.
These are some of the resources that are on the website:
- Getting to Know Digital Camcorders
- Shooting Better Digital Video
- Knowing How to Buy a Digital Camcorder
- How to Start a Movie Project with iMovie 09 - For Macintosh users.
It is a thought. So dive in and if you like what you see peruse some of the other For Dummies video line of books.
Just keep in mind that many technology books published before 2009 are out of date. That does not mean that the information isn't valid. The technology, equipment and resources mentioned may have changed or the technology mention is no longer necessary.
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