Yes, you might be a one-person operation. Or 10 or 349 person operation. The video web hosting companies face increasing demand and rising costs. There comes a time when businesses can no longer afford the staggering costs of providing uncompensated services.
You might need to investigate a business to business option. So what do you do? Visit VidCompare.

VidCompare has a listing of various video providers that may have the services you require at a price point you can afford.
For example, You know that you want to upload videos specifically for mobile devices. VidCompare lets you find and compare the services that meet your needs. Do you want analytics with a side order of keywords?
Images and Video or just video? National or International? How much content management do you want and want to pay for?
VidCompare allows you to match up three or more providers to scope out which one has the services you need.
I'm just bring this to your attention. I have no stake in this either way. I do know that being prepared for change is a good thing. If you would like more info, visit the VidCompare blog.
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