Thursday, January 14, 2010

Eigth Irresistible Principles of Fun or Text is A Creative Tool

I've been reading posts at Chris Brogan's and I saw this video from

I just wanted to show another option to communicating a story or message. You can have text tell your story. I'm not sure five minutes it the way to go but do what you need to do:

Text and photos? Yes. Text and strong graphics work for me too. It is whatever you bring to the table.

Off the top of my head you could use PowerPoint - have to create a bunch of text that you place on slides and then use a program like Microsoft Photo Story or photo animation in iMovie to animate.

Soundslides is another way to animate photos and slides and available for Mac and Window users.

Another option is to use one of the less expensive and easy to use for text only animation is a Flash clone like SwishMax3 or SwishMiniMax3 which can't export out to .avi but if you have a screen recorder this may or may not be an issue. You can download a trial version to see if the program is a good match for you.

Anyway - it is about the creativity, not the means of transport.

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