Sunday, February 14, 2010

Taschen's Web Design for Video Sites

Taschen's Web Design for Video Sites is a visual sampler of advertiser generated videos. Think of it as a historical idea generator of ad campaigns and promotional web sites that incorporated video support for their clients.

There is a brief introductory text that, boiled down to the essential message, seems to be: "Don't worry about that user generated content stuff, your (insert the blank) job is safe."

The examples range from videos surrounded by a static web page, video product demonstrations, commercials with and without interactive elements and a precious few that are looking beyond the template of analog television.

To be fair, many of the examples presented are from 2007 and 2008. A lot has changed in two years. We are still going through a transitional period. With the advent of HTML 5 there is going to be a move away from some forms of Flash Video.

High definition videos are going to require different presentation modes. And there is and always will be "the new thing."

Should advertisers be secure that user generated content will have no effect on their business and their customers?

I don't know. Not for me to say. I'm not in that business. But I haven't seen a home delivery ice man in years.

You know what I mean?

(June Update 2012 - I checked the Taschen web site. It doesn't seem to be for sale any more but you might find it at a used bookstore.)

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