Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Kodak EasyShare M590 Thinking Through The Color Line

It is a puzzlement. Photo cameras that can record high definition video. Web Camcorders that shoot still photos. So hard to make choices when there are dozens of options.

My Z1285 point and shoot camera did a good job recording 720p video. I didn't expect it could but baby did just fine in fair indoor lighting. It is now my day to day purse camera.

This is the video about the Kodak EasyShare M590. I got a lot to say but check out the video from the KodakTube channel.

The Specs

The camera is slim. You can get the full skivvy at the Kodak M590 product page. This is what I think is the important
  • 5x optical zoom on a camera this thin is amazing. Props to the engineers.
  • Photo shutter speed ranges from 1/2 second to 1/2000 of a second.
  • Records video in the H.264 Mp4 format in 1280x720 HD and 640x480 SD
  • Recording time is 29 minutes at a time up to the capacity of a 4GB card.
  • 64MB of internal memory and the device records on a MicroSD or MicroSDHC card.
  • You can upload to various social media sites, the camera will guide you through the process.
The camera does have optical stabilization. It does have a tripod mount. You will have to use one or the other. Without some kind of stabilization your photos and videos will have the shakes. It isn't possible to naturally hold it as steady as you need to, especially in low light situations.

Using my Z1285 experience you do have a lot of options to choose from to help you get the perfect photo. The kicker is that they are menu based. Turning a dial to ISO 1600 is faster than flipping through a LCD menu.

If you are camera newbie you'll leave it on automatic and you will be happy.

If you know what aperture priority means then you are going to be slowed down as you try to get to the menu item before you potentially lose your shot.

My point is the camera is designed for novice users and those that may have more skill but can accept the point and shoot aspects of the camera. It isn't a DSLR or a camcorder.

It could be a fun vacation or holiday camera that you will actually carry and use. For talking head videos using a tripod it could work. Travel videos, yeah I can see it. There are tasks that this camera can handle if you respect the possibilities and limitations.

The Ramble

I'm a nerd with geek tendencies. I do understand that Kodak is marketing to people that don't care about features. These potential customers just want to press the button and get pixs and video.

I respect that. Really. I support any device that makes it easy for folks to record and tell their stories.

It is just that the focus on the color of the cameras kinda irked me. If I'm spending $200 on a camera I am not going to stew about the color until I decide to buy. For me it is a minor consideration. I generally want cameras/camcorders to be as sedate as possible.

I just want Kodak to know that I feel that probably 4.5 out of of ten women are gonna go ??? about the presentation.

I want to see what it can do, the menu options, easy of operation and actually connecting to the social media sites mentioned, which was demonstrated at the end of the video.

Kodak I know you have a wide range of users, customers and markets. Maybe I was not the intended demographic. I just don't think folks buy cameras because of the color.

Ok, maybe one or two.

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